IA Suite

Bundle of all IA TradingView indicators

Get all 10+ InvestAnswers TradingView indicators:

  • IADSS: Identify buy & sell signals using Confluence, Mean Reversion, Trend and Optimized Trend indicators.

  • Arb Cloud: Identify arbitrage opps between cointegrated assets

  • ATR Model: Identify the macro trading range of an asset

  • Bitcoin Top & Bottom: Identify Bitcoin tops & bottoms

  • DCA on Steroids: Optimize your DCA strategy

  • Layer Out: Determine levels or layers at which to take profits

  • Macro Model: Identify macro conditions & asset impact

  • Pair Trading on Steroids: Reduce risk & generate profits

  • Profit Taking Model: Optimize your profit-taking strategy

  • Plus, any new indicators released in the future will be automatically bundled and added to your TradingView account

Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced, model dependent

Asset Types: All, model dependent

Trading Style: All, model dependent

This subscription comes with access to the IA Community Forum where user guides, videos and tech support is located.

“My first complete pair trade…[netted] a 17.5% profit. You’ve got a GOLDEN system.”

— G_Dinero

“Made back the fees on the first trade I made! My biggest regret is not jumping into IA Suite earlier.

— LH_78XE

7 DAYS ago I pulled the trigger and invested in the IA Suite. I spent 4 days watching videos and setting it all up to my preferences. OMG!! I have made $2500 in 3 days trading signals.”

— DoublesGame

$200 USD / month

$174 USD / month

A TradingView account (Essential plan recommended) is required before purchasing this model.